Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Cheap Funerals Charlotte NC Residents Choose Can Be Respectful And Affordable

By Eric Rogers

Having a traditional funeral and burial is an important way to mark a passing to many people. Others see it as an unnecessary expense and don't care how their bodies are disposed of. They would rather spend the money while they're alive or leave it for loved ones to enjoy. For these individuals, there are cheap funerals Charlotte NC natives and others prefer and recommend.

Many people mistakenly believe the only alternative to a traditional funeral service is cremation. While cremation is certainly cheaper and a generally acceptable alternative, it is not the only one. When you opt for cremation, you should know that state and local laws differ around the country. Your state board can answer questions about the legalities. Most cremations cost around a thousand dollars. You can have your ashes buried or strewn. There are also laws about strewing ashes you should know about.

You can always donate your body to science instead of burying it in the ground. This is probably the cheapest way to dispose of your remains. Under some circumstances your body can be used for research or as a teaching tool, but there are rules that apply. They can't take anyone who had a communicable disease, was mentally ill or obese. If you died healthy and your body is accepted, there is no cost to loved ones.

For those environmentally conscious individuals, there are green burials available. If being lowered into the earth in a biodegradable box or shroud instead of a casket doesn't bother you, you can save money and be a good steward of the earth at the same time. For a lot of people, burying tons of steel and cement, when there is a viable alternative, is irresponsible. They argue that embalming fluids, known cancer causers, can seep into the soil and find their way into the drinking water.

You might think backyard burials are only for family pets, but that's not true. Surprisingly enough, it is perfectly legal to bury a human, in land you own, in many states. You will certainly save money. There won't be a funeral home to pay, and you can bypass the casket if you want to. With the savings, you can hire a professional home burial service to assist your remaining loved ones with the process.

Another possibility is to be buried at sea. Many believe this is only a possibility for those in the navy, but that's not so. You will have to abide by the guidelines of the Environmental Protection Agency. All burials must be at least three miles from shore and the water has to be at least six hundred feet deep.

If you are a full time resident of Crestone, CO, the city will burn your dead body on a funeral pyre. Even stranger, other towns have tried to get ordinances passed so they can offer the same thing. So far Crestone is the only town with an okay.

Everything keeps getting more and more expensive. It doesn't seem quite right that you should have to keep spending even after you're gone. A cheap funeral makes good sense, as long as you're comfortable with it.

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